Techrights has upgraded

Techrights has upgraded

I used to read this website frequently. But it was very untidy and disordered. But I saw today that the layout has been made much neater.
In terms of content, it is an interesting website for FreeBSD users. It often publishes things that 99% of popular websites will never publish.

Their content is not always 100% accurate, I have already seen sometimes that the content was just objectively wrong. But often there is a source of truth in their articles.

Some interesting articles published recently:

Sorry my opinion is poor of those countries at the moment.

India and China are killing each other by hand at their borders.
Border Guards have huge scraps.
You really think that is some alliance?
What is thier Dollar killer currency????? They dunno. Great plan yo.

Nothing like USA+Central America+Northern South America.. We are all one now.
We have Border Patrol weld gates open now. Literally anybody can come in.
Sorry my opinion is poor of those countries at the moment.

India and China are killing each other by hand at their borders.
Border Guards have huge scraps.
You really think that is some alliance?
What is thier Dollar killer currency????? They dunno. Great plan yo.

Nothing like USA+Central America+Northern South America.. We are all one now.
We have Border Patrol weld gates open now. Literally anybody can come in.
Hamas platoons are currently forming. You can bet on it.

BRICS need rebrand and add North Korea for the real axis of evil.

I don't know enough about those countries to have an opinion. But the fact that China is going to switch 30 million government computers to Linux and Russia/India/Korea who are also increasingly using Linux, that seems positive to me. China and Russia often have the best programmers in international competitions so this is always positive when competent people are back programming Linux instead of people like Lennart Poetring who have only brought the quality of Linux down with their incompetence.

I also believe FreeBSD could be more popular in India than it currently is, I recently read a reddit post that there don't appear to be FreeBSD mirrors in India. Although this is a country where open source systems are popular:
Sorry the term BRICS truly irks me. Many people hoping for the demise of America.

I wish them all the luck.

I was thinking Open Source Election Software would be a good FreeBSD job.
You would need a trusted hardware partner.
I would trust my vote on FreeBSD OS security.
Some private company runs my democracy software? Sad.

Digital ID scare me though. Cashless society. Papal now 1099 tax form for anything over $600/year
… Their content is not always 100% accurate, I have already seen sometimes that the content was just objectively wrong. But often there is a source of truth in their articles. …

No offence to you, Voltaire, but I deplored the site. It contributed towards making at least one person's life a misery, for a while.

The sooner the site rots, the better.

People who know my style of writing might know that it's extremely rare for me to be so aggressive with regard to other people's writing.

I'm not alone. Flashback to 2020:

Quoting privacy advocate Dan Arel, from a topic about conflicts of interest:

TechRights should never be viewed as a respectable source and are trying only to stir up controversy.

They reached out for comment and told me what they would accuse me of if I didn't reply. They are manufacturing drama and a story.

I just want to make it clear, their only purpose is to smear and slander people.

Plus, the guy behind was banned from /r/Linux for spamming; was described (there) as insane; and so on.
