Solved sysutils/qjail not working properly on RELEASE/14

Hi friends!

I'm install recently a fresh released RELEASE/14 Amd64.
And try to deploy jails using simple tool, which I always use for that task: sysutils/qjail.
  • first I'm fetch and extract basejail:
    qjail install
  • then I'm add alias for network interface, for jail and startup:
    ifconfig_re0="inet netmask"
    ifconfig_lo0_alias0="inet netmask"
  • then I create jail:
    qjail create -4 www_nginx
  • then I start it:
    service qjail start
  • And then I try to attach jail console:
    # qjail console www_nginx
  • And nothing happens, just new line.
On 13 all works fine. Maybe something changed in jails logic and there are not supported with actual qjail tool?
I'm create a PR with detailed information on a bugzilla: PR 275103

Also maybe that info will be helpful:
If I execute on normal working RELEASE/13 with equal deployed jails such command:
qjail console -c "passwd" db_nosql
Changing local password for root
New Password:

it works as expected. Reads password with confirmation and changed it in jail.

But on a RELEASE/14, that command ends with error without prompt for password enter:
# qjail console -c "passwd" www_nginx
Changing local password for root
passwd: pam_start(): System error

Maybe someone know hot to solve that problem?

UPD: Seems that sysutils/qjail project are abandoned, and need to use sysutils/bastille.
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