Solved System Manager's Manual SS(8)

I am doing something stupid even for me... I am trying to run the subject utility by ss -a (ss in both upper and lowercase but all I get is
SS: Command not found.
I imagine its gas to do with my path... I am using
shell and my path is


I know it is something simple but for last couple of week even the simple. is hard
You mean Linux's ss(8) command? As you may have suspected from the way I referred to it, it's a Linux specific command. On FreeBSD we have sockstat(1).
Ok I remain confused. since I git to it from freeBSD (I thought) manual. but hey Its what I thought anyway.
since I git to it from freeBSD (I thought) manual.
The manual system on the FreeBSD site has manual pages for CentOS, Rocky, SuSe, Debian, Ubuntu, MacOS, HP-UX, NetBSD, OpenBSD and a bunch more. It not just the FreeBSD manual pages you can look up. On the link you provided it was set to "CentOS 7.1", so it showed you CentOS 7.1 specific manual pages.