syslog - tcp

Looking in the handbook FreeBSD Handbook only UDP 514 is available for syslog.
On my test box I modified /etc/services and restarted syslogd but only udp-514 was listening
Wed May 29 16:50:24 /etc
root@-#netstat -na | grep 514
udp4       0      0 *.514                  *.*                   
udp6       0      0 *.514                  *.*

I have a specific task that I need to run syslog on tcp-514 unless there is a better tcp port that would be preferred.
The device sending syslog information can be configured to send on any port.
The environment is closed.

FreeBSD's syslogd(8) can only listen on UDP. You can change the port but it's going to be UDP in any case.

     -b bind_address[:service]

     -b :service
             Bind to a specific address and/or port.  The address can be
             specified as a hostname, and the port as a service name.  If an
             IPv6 address is specified, it should be enclosed with `[' and
             `]'.  The default service is `syslog'.  This option can be
             specified multiple times to bind to multiple addresses and/or

If you absolutely require TCP then you will need to install any of the alternate syslog daemons from ports/packages.
Thx for the detailed response, what would be your recommended choice, I have seen rsyslog and syslog-ng.
I personally like syslog-ng but rsyslog should be fine too. The latter is the default syslog daemon on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu, so you may be more familiar with it.