Sysctl. Brain broken. And, where is the "delete thread" button?

When attempting to read the current number of SHM segments, I notice this:
# sysctl -d kern.ipc.shmsegs
kern.ipc.shmsegs: Current number of shared memory segments allocated
# ipcs -mbtp
Shared Memory:
T           ID          KEY MODE        OWNER    GROUP           SEGSZ         CPID         LPID ATIME    DTIME    CTIME
m       196608            0 --rw------- snurg    snurg         8892416        37283        80574 16:25:29 14:39:15 16:25:29
<snipped long list>
Did I make a mistake?
Or, is sysctl broken?

Where is the "delete thread" button?

Anyway, which option shows me the sysctl value about how many shared memory segments are allocated??

This I didn´t expect:
# sysctl -Ah kern.ipc.shmsegs
kern.ipc.shmsegs: Format: Length:19968 Dump:0xe9030000e9030000e9030000e9030000...

This is also not helpful:
# sysctl -bh kern.ipc.shmsegs
The delete thread button is near the top under the ‘...’ drop-down menu.