I have one question about how Synth scan ports. I did read:
I understand and I like it but my question: Is it possible that Synth scan all ports and on the end shows obsolete ports. On my system shows one by one - I did
Thank you.
Synth uses cached options if they have been saved. Synth will scan these options file before starting a build, and if any are obsolete (number of options don't match the current port, the option names are different, etc) then it will print out the problematic ports and halt, recommending that the cached options either be removed or re-saved to something valid. To build a package with non-default options, just run "make -C /usr/ports/[category]/[portname] config" before staring a build.
I understand and I like it but my question: Is it possible that Synth scan all ports and on the end shows obsolete ports. On my system shows one by one - I did
make config
for one than synth status again and again new obsolete ports and today I had for ports (one by one). Or is something wrong with my settings?Thank you.