Syntax highlighting in the "vi".

Originally Posted by carlton_draught.
I'm not sure. However on a related note, do you ever get a feeling for what a programmer must be like when you are intimately familiar with their program? Yes? That's why whenever I use vi or its descendants, I feel a profound sense of Joy. And the corollary; whenever I try and use another editor it is invariably a Joyless undertaking.

Originally Posted by UNIXgod
I find the bindings in other places. There is a firefox plugin which has them. KDE editor kate has a vi bindings option. As others have mentioned vi(m) is the most full featured. Your probably best to use that. If anything for the syntax highlighting you are interested in.
Yes. I agree with you. Thanks.

Originally Posted by fonz.
It's probably a warning that this thread is getting off-topic. The current vi(m)-emacs debate doesn't have a whole lot to do with your original question any more.

Originally Posted by Originally DutchDaemon.

Yes. You are right. Sorry me.

My choice vim editor.
This theme is closed. Thank you all.
To keep it a little on track...

Here's my ~/.vimrc, nothing fancy:
set ai
set background=dark
set showtabline=3
set smartindent
set smarttab
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set ruler
syntax on