Switch users error with Gnome.

Anyone tried to switch user in 7.x, 8.x-RELEASE with Gnome? I got an error when switching from "user A" to "user B". The second Desktop appears full of errors and no Icons. When back to first Desktop all still fine. I've many users on system, wouldn't like to log off and close all programs when I want to switch user. Any idea?
SOLVED - Switch users error with Gnome.

Basically, the problem is too much files opened by Gnome. It's necessary to increase the amount of files opened same time on system, to get more users with parallel session.


Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add:


Restart the system or just /etc/rc.d/sysctl restart

This amount works fine for me, and I just found out it is the same value guys form PCBSD 8 use by default.
Was not necessary to reinstall any package. The solution I wrote works fine. The problem was solved.