Swap_pager_getswapspace(4): failed

Please help mi fix the error Swap_pager_getswapspace(4): failed
Not sure how to upgrade or reasons.

Your system ran out of memory so much even swap got depleted. When this happens the system starts killing processes in order to free up some memory.

What version of FreeBSD is this? How much memory does it have? How much swap? What's running? I see a bunch of Samba and sshd(8) processes. What are they for?
Judging by the [preauth] messages spamming, I'm going to guess it's getting hammered with brute-force attacks. It's getting hammered so much it turned into a DoS or maybe a DDoS.
MarySteph welcome to The FreeBSD Forums.

Part of a storage device (e.g. a disk) is set aside as so-called swap space, which can be used in combination with memory (e.g. RAM).

The command below will tell how much disk space you chose, for swap, when you installed FreeBSD.

swapinfo -h