Surf browser external pipe throubleshoot


I'm trying to mess around with surf and found the external pipe patch, which seems really powerful.

I did apply the patch and had some trouble building it, as C was complaining about type definitions in two base functions. Changing it to:

static void externalpipe_resource_done(GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *s, gpointer user_data) {
    WebKitWebResource *r = WEBKIT_WEB_RESOURCE(source_object);
    Arg *arg = (Arg*)user_data;


static void externalpipe_js_done(GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *s, gpointer user_data) {
    WebKitWebView *wv = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(source_object);
    Arg *arg = (Arg*)user_data;

and keeping the rest of the body fixed it, and surf compiled.

Later, I had issues with the awk since it was using GNU awk. I changed it to:

dump_links_with_titles() {
  awk '{
    input = $0;
    title = $0;
    link = "";

    # Extract title
    gsub("<[^>]*>", "", title);
    gsub(/[ ]+/, " ", title);
    gsub("&amp;", "&", title);
    gsub("&lt;", "<", title);
    gsub("&gt;", ">", title);
    if (title == "") title = "None";

    # Extract href attribute
    if (match($0, /<a [^>]*href=["]([^"]+)["]/)) {
      linkStart = RSTART;
      linkLength = RLENGTH;
      link = substr($0, linkStart, linkLength);

      # Cleanup link
      gsub(/.*href=["]/, "", link);
      gsub(/["].*/, "", link);
      gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", link);
      gsub(" ", "%20", link);

      # Check if link starts with "//" and prepend "https:" if it does
      if (substr(link, 1, 2) == "//") {
        link = "https:" link;

    if (link != "") {
      print title ": " link;

and so far so good.

Then we got:

static char *linkselect_curwin [] = { "/bin/sh", "-c",
    " $0 'Link' | xargs -r xprop -id $0 -f _SURF_GO 8s -set _SURF_GO",
    winid, NULL

And it works as it is intended: I press the shortcut to call linkselect_curwin, and it will map URLs in dmenu and set the one I choose in the _SURF_GO variable. But this does not seem to trigger the function at surf.c:

processx(GdkXEvent *e, GdkEvent *event, gpointer d)
    Client *c = (Client *)d;
    XPropertyEvent *ev;
    Arg a;

    if (((XEvent *)e)->type == PropertyNotify) {
        ev = &((XEvent *)e)->xproperty;
        if (ev->state == PropertyNewValue) {
            if (ev->atom == atoms[AtomFind]) {
                find(c, NULL);

                return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
            } else if (ev->atom == atoms[AtomGo]) {
                a.v = getatom(c, AtomGo);
                loaduri(c, &a);

                return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;

I think this guy is triggered by the GO shortcut when we do C_g and enter a URL. But this is not being triggered by the externalpipe function, and also it does not trigger if I manually change _SURF_GO in the shell.

And that last part is only a shot.

I think now I need to be able to know if this is true, and so, I should be somehow able to debug surf.c or even make a debug patch that could send data to a log file maybe.

My point is to try to figure out the best way to fix that or know if someone uses externalpipe and wants to share knowledge.
