Starting labwc (wayland) script

On request, posting a script how to boot labwc (wayland)
export BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland
export CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
export GDK_BACKEND=wayland
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
export WM=labwc
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/home/TMP
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT="be(nodeadkeys)"
export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=evdev
exec labwc
In order to start a terminal just enter windowskey+enter
thanks. Which packages should I install before to launch the script ? Shoud I configure the values of some config files ?
I think you might need,
and it is nice to have a bar,
I've found that I also need to specify an XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (usually /tmp or /var/tmp) to get labwc and dwl, a dwm equivalent), to work. Even using Alain De Vos's script it would fail to start. However, assuming I had seatd running, if I did something like.
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /tmp labwc it would run without problem. As I've just been using it to play with a bit, I haven't figured out the best place for it, but for now, I just do export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/tmp in my $HOME/.bashrc. As I didn't need the other variables given in Alain's script, I suppose I could just do something as simple as an alias, like labwc='XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /var/tmp labwc.
But so far, I prefer using X to Wayland, so I haven't looked into this very much.

Actually, I found that doing the above caused sound to stop working on Fedora, with a message that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR wasn't owned by me. So I changed it (for anyone who runs into similar issues on Linux with sound) in my .bashrc to
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)

which is Fedora's default.
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