I have a bunch of machines in my home on a LAN, some of it wired, some wireless. Three of the machines run FreeBSD -- one 10.3, the other two 11RC2. The rest of them run OpenSuse Linux. I set all the machines up with static IP addresses and record those addresses in /etc/hosts files on each of the machines. When scp'ing (or ssh'ing or rsync'ing) from Linux to Linux or from Linux to FreeBSD, using the name, not the IP address of the target machine, the connection happens instantly. When doing the same from one of the FreeBSD systems, there is a noticeable and very annoying delay. That delay goes away if instead of using the target system's name, I provide the IP address. I think FreeBSD is doing a DNS lookup of the provided name first, rather than consulting /etc/hosts first. I can't prove that, but it would certainly explain this behavior. I am aware of the existence of /etc/host.conf. Here's mine (they are the same on the three FreeBSD machines):
So this appears to be correct.
I have resorted to creating aliases for the inter-machine commands I use most, with the IP addresses embedded in the alias. It's a workaround, but I shouldn't have to do this. There's clearly a bug here and it's been present for a long time (I noticed this in earlier versions of FreeBSD, but didn't mention it because I have always run into a show-stopping bug with earlier versions of FreeBSD and stopped using it; 10.3 has worked well for me and my limited experience with 11RC2 has been similarly good).
Any ideas for how to get more information so I can file a bug report? Or a better explanation than mine for what's going on here?
Thanks --
# Auto-generated from nsswitch.conf
I have resorted to creating aliases for the inter-machine commands I use most, with the IP addresses embedded in the alias. It's a workaround, but I shouldn't have to do this. There's clearly a bug here and it's been present for a long time (I noticed this in earlier versions of FreeBSD, but didn't mention it because I have always run into a show-stopping bug with earlier versions of FreeBSD and stopped using it; 10.3 has worked well for me and my limited experience with 11RC2 has been similarly good).
Any ideas for how to get more information so I can file a bug report? Or a better explanation than mine for what's going on here?
Thanks --