Spontaneous verbiage

In an effort to configure a new device the words
May 11 12:33:00 inetd[1336]: ssh/tcp: bind: Address already in use
verbiage that keeps appearing on my screen. :( Any idea what has gone wrong?
Sounds like you are attempting to run sshd(8) both as a normal daemon (via /etc/rc.d/sshd) and as a service hosted by inetd(8). I think it's generally a good idea to run it as a normal daemon. Comment out the config in inetd and ensure that
is in your /etc/rc.conf.
Yes, unless you absolutely have to don't run inetd. It's more or less a relic from the past.

Thank you for your response. I'm a newbie to FreeBSD and didn't know to which inetd you referred. (I ran locate inetd and pages of inetd came back). I also don't know what the (man+8) before inetd stands for.

sshd_enable = "YES"
was AOK in /etc/rc.conf. While I was using vi to edit /etc/rc.conf, I commented out inetd. It appears to have stopped the spontaneous text however I don't yet know what effect it may have had elsewhere. :)

Thanks again,


gordon@ said:
Sounds like you are attempting to run sshd(8) both as a normal daemon (via /etc/rc.d/sshd) and as a service hosted by inetd(8). I think it's generally a good idea to run it as a normal daemon. Comment out the config in inetd and ensure that
is in your /etc/rc.conf.

Thank you for your response.

I commented out inetd in /etc/rc.conf and thus far it seems to have stopped the spontaneous text.

Thanks again for your answer.


SirDice said:
Yes, unless you absolutely have to don't run inetd. It's more or less a relic from the past.
Look in /etc/inetd.conf, those are the services that are run by inetd. Everything is commented out by default.