speedy replies

I must say I am truly impressed with the speed that posts receive replies on this forum. The few posts I have made here have all been responded to within minutes! Helpful people offering suggestions and tips is common on computer user's fora, but the people here are also diligent.
Good job FreeBSDers!
I have to say that (luckily) this is a feeling I have also with other BSD products, but here in the FreeBSD forum the quality and speed of answers is really high.
RandicusDracoAlbus said:
I must say I am truly impressed with the speed that posts receive replies on this forum.

We do our best :) But I do like to think that part of why we are able to respond so quickly and adequately is because this forum reflects our own fondness of FreeBSD. We believe in its quality and charm and if we cared less this would probably be an entirely different kind of forum.
