Other Spectrwm not accepting configuration

Hello all, I've been at this for a while with no luck. If someone could send me in the right direction I would be highly grateful.

I am trying to edit /usr/local/etc/spectrwm.conf with no luck, I am able to edit the file but the changes never take effect. I tried to follow directions and cp /usr/local/etc/spectrw.conf ~/.spectrwm.conf and that as well is not going into effect.

This is the second time in a week that I have installed FreeBSD. I used 9.2 then upgraded to 10.0 with freebsd-update 10.0-RELEASE etc. Both times I have had the same problem with spectrwm not accepting the global configuration changes. Also i3 does the same thing.

I am sure I am missing something blatantly obvious so please excuse my ignorance and thanks for any and all help.
I know it is hackish, but have you tried creating your own ~/.spectrwm.conf from scratch and yanking and pasting the contents of the system wide configuration file into that?