How do you input special characters? Like on Winderps I could do (Left)Alt+(NumPad)0133 to get a special character...
I'm using KDE4 if that's meaningful...
I'm using KDE4 if that's meaningful...
What may become, depending on the case, a living nightmare, as withYou can always map your own custom keys using x11/xmodmap if necessary.
and Linux loadkeys
outside Xorg.As for you, provided your case is indeed of "only five or so characterers", I would suggest:free-and-bsd, Beastie: I don't mean those, I mean extended ASCII set... I'm fine switching between en-US and fr-CA keyboard maps...
Also, I don't know what the solution to typing extended ASCII characters is going to be, but I'd rather remember four digits than the meta-position of a virtual character on a physical keyboard (i.e.: having to press Meta + Ctrl + Shift + A at the same time like it's a piano or something), I really don't mind [Press Alt] N N N N [Release Alt]...
There has to be a way other than using the character map and copying to clipboard... that's annoying... It's only for maybe five or so characters I regularly use...
and create a custom.kbd, more or less the way lebarondemerde suggested but using the proper tools ( xmodmap
is meant for use inside Xorg);Interesting Will have to play with it when I have the time... So far my needs are satisfied with fr(oss) map, but it's not what I NEED -- it's what THEY have to offer.I used to create my one layout by copying the most a appropriate one from /usr/local/share/X11/xkb/symbols and adding 3rd and/or 4th level for the needed keys.
Then you can activate it by callingsetxkbmap my_keys
in ~/.xinitrc or one of DE's startup scripts.