Sovereign Tech Fund to Invest €686,400 in FreeBSD Infrastructure Modernization

Germany’s Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) has agreed to invest €686,400 in the FreeBSD project to drive improvements in infrastructure, security, regulatory compliance, and developer experience.
I appreciate some one opened a thread on that, so it can be answered to,
cause I wanted to add two things on that:

1. Who doesn't know by yet, this fund is an official part of the german state to support independent, and above all open source projects. So it's taxpayers money flowing into FreeBSD, not some company pursuing their own commercial interest, only. Which is not a bad thing. But too much money from companys brings dependency.

2. According to Wikipedia it's the second, or third largest amount this fund spent on a project by far ever.
And as far as I remember the numbers right, it's one of the biggest amounts the foundation ever recieved.
So, FreeBSD cannot be just a small side-show, but have some key importance.
Where can I find more info about the projects? Like what's behind "Reduce Technical Debt", for instance?

The work, organized and managed by the FreeBSD Foundation, will begin in August 2024 and continue through 2025. It will focus on five key projects:
  • Zero Trust Builds: Enhance tooling and processes
  • CI/CD Automation: Streamline software delivery and operations
  • Reduce Technical Debt: Implement tools and processes to keep technical debt low
  • Security Controls: Modernize and extend security artifacts, including the FreeBSD Ports and Package Collection, to assist with regulatory compliance
  • SBOM Improvements: Enhance and implement new tooling and processes for FreeBSD SBOM