Solved [Solved] Power outage creates issues with Minecraft server

I had a power outage due to a storm. Now I can't get the Minecraft server to run again. When I try to do so I get these errors. I know the server is not running because I cannot connect to it.
service minecraft status
minecraft is running.

service minecraft stop
Stopping minecraft.
There is a screen on:
        58411.minecraft-session (Dead ???)
Remove dead screens with 'screen -wipe'.
No screen session found.

service minecraft start
minecraft already running?

screen -wipe
No Sockets found in /tmp/screens/S-root.

How to I fix this problem? Rebooting the server does not work. I still get the same error message.

Thanks for the help.
Re: Power outage creates issues with Minecraft server

I managed to fix this issue. The problem was a dead file in /tmp. I had to manually remove it to get the server back up.