Solved [Solved] How to install a .sty file? (TeX Live question)

I want to edit the subject to mark it as [Solved] but edition does not work


I want to use a sty file provided by Eukleides ( The eukleides (1.5.3) port is not up-to-date and cannot be installed (because I use PKGNG and it conflicts with a LaTeX package, and this just stops the compilation before it begins) and I need the latest version anyway (1.5.4) so I downloaded the source file, configured and compiled it (using gmake and gmake install). (I also had to modify the script euktoeps to have it run under FreeBSD, the original seems to be written for Linux).

The problem is: when I try to use euktoeps, it leads to this LaTeX error:

/usr/local/scripts/bin/euktoeps -i \usepackage{eukleides,graphicx,textcomp} TriangleRectangle_ZRK-08998590.euk
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument>  \Right
l.18 }

The \Right command is defined in eukleides.sty (and precisely in the file eukleides.tex, which comes along).

It seems that gmake install did not put the files at the right place (I modified the prefix). So I put them myself in the expected directory. First I thought it would be /usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eukleides/, then /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/eukleides/ and finally I tried in /usr/local/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/eukleides/. Each time, I've set the rights on the two files, using chmod ugo+x and I ran mktexlsr. Still, euktoeps ends up with the same error, like if the eukleides.sty and eukleides.tex files were just ignored. Very strangely, euktoeps does not complain about a missing eukleides package, which is explicitly called in the command line.

So, if anyone had a clue about how to fix this situation properly, this would be very nice!

NB: I use FreeBSD 9.1 with PKGNG. And I installed the TeX Live distribution: print/texlive-base plus some other texlive-* packages.
Re: How to install a new .sty file properly ? (texlive quest

quamenzullo said:
It seems that gmake install did not put the files at the right place (I modified the prefix). So I put them myself in the expected directory. First I thought it would be /usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eukleides/, then /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/eukleides/ and finally I tried in /usr/local/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/eukleides/.

If I remember correctly, /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/<foo> is the right place, so I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working. If nobody else here knows, I suggest you try the FreeBSD TeX mailing list: freebsd-tex@.
Re: How to install a new .sty file properly? (TeX Live quest

I think, not sure, that your guess of usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/eukleides/ is the right one, but you might have to run the update-texmf utility for them to be found. Sorry that is a bit vague: my approach is to put all my own stuff in a texinputs directory and add export TEXINPUTS=".:~/texinputs:" to my .zshrc. Also, I got rather fed up with installing all sorts of TeX Live components and have reverted to using the binary TeTeX package from the repositories: works fine for me.
Re: How to install a new .sty file properly? (TeX Live quest

Thanks for the answers!

update-texmf is not installed on my system. I don't find where to get it. Is it part of print/texlive-texmf? But should I really have it installed? Does it run different updates than mktexlsr?
Re: How to install a new .sty file properly? (TeX Live quest

Well, sorry again because I don't actually know the answer to your question: I think there is an update-texmf but I might be wrong: as I said, I have not used TeX Live much (I always had TeTeX at work) and use my own directory for local things anyway. Good luck - I think there are several forums besides the FreeBSD one where you can get pretty good help with TeX issues.
Re: How to install a new .sty file properly? (TeX Live quest

Well I am pretty confused, the error comes from somewhere else than TeX Live. The file I was using was outdated and not related to the error mentionned.

Plus, although I haven't changed anything, I can't manage to get the error again... so, this can be considered as solved for now (though I have no idea how).

EDIT: the subject of the first post cannot be edited to mark it as solved.