softupdates journaling odd behaviour?


System is FreeBSD 9.0, GPT + UFS with softupdates journaling. I was confronted with an interesting situation. E.g. if I make some changes to text files or create some new files and then perform a hard, unclean reboot, these changes are gone. (reboot was made 1-3 min after these changes). New files are completely gone, files where I made changes became a zero size.

What could be the reason? Any comment are welcome.
I'm not an expert who can tell you the details, but using SU+J sometimes may potentially lead to more data loss when confronted with the hard reboot as you've experienced. There are some brief introductions about SU in "Tuning Disks" Chapter of handbook.
 find . -type f
I have reproduced .tbz disappearing [1] "reliably" between normal reboots. (SUJ, v9), even with "sync" before shutdown. I do not know if it is related to the symlinks in that particular subtree or something else. So I am very interested in this thread, for the time being I have a workaround in place.
[1] All of them (usually) in one (y) or more (?) subdirectories.

Probably I was wrong about time of reboot. This is a SU issue completely. Journaling does not matter. It's related to these kernel variables (default, values in sec):
kern.filedelay: 30 
kern.dirdelay: 29 
kern.metadelay: 28

My changes were not written from dirty buffer to disk. So this is "normal" behaviour.