Well, 'fess up!..... :3
Yeah, here in the South, we got quite a bit of it too, but it didn't go total.....I saw it at 97-98% totality through Shade 14 goggles.
It was cloudy all morning and didn't look like it was goingo t be able to be seen at all but about 11:30am, 17 minutes before it was scheduled to start thje sky cleared and the Sun came out. I grabbed my lawn chair, my walkman, earbuds and went outside to watch it.
About half way into it things weren't as cleat and it seemed like my goggles were fogging up but a slight haze had moved in. It stayed clear enough to see the whole thing through the totality, with only a very slight sliver of the Sun visible at the top.
Not long after that clouds and a storm moved in and that was the end of it for me. I came back inside and jammed to Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon, the last song being Eclipse.
All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel.
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save.
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy,
beg, borrow or steal.
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say.
All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
And everyone you fight.
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
Yeah, but there's always recordings too!..... :3Missed it. It was like 10:30 in the morning.Could have stayed up, I suppose.
Sounds PRETTY!..... :3 Also, I'm sorry you didn't get to see the Eclipse.....It was completely foggy at our house (we're near the pacific ocean, and in the summer the marine layer often covers the coastal mountains). At 10:15, when the eclipse was supposed to be 70% or so, you couldn't see trees that were 100 feet away, it was so foggy. All that happened: It got light in the morning, then it got darker again, then it got light again, and around noon or 1pm the fog finally lifted and it got sunny.
Beautiful day otherwise, nice and cool in the afternoon.
Wow..... :3 Sounds like you guys had fun!.....The Science Museum of Minnesota had a summer camp for my daughter, and lots of events all day.
I made a homemade viewer out of a Florsheim shoe box with a transparent side-window and foil pinhole (lens).
Well, needless to say the place was packed. We planned a picnic lunch and traveled early, it was great...![]()
EDIT: The eclipse was around 80% of totality.
Well, we had some glasses, so we were all set..... :3 But wow..... :O That's a cool way to put it!..... :3 Makes me wish I could have seen it!..... :3Look down, not up! I didn't have a filter to look at the eclipse directly. But, I could see the shadow of it on the porch deck!
They said we were in the 93% eclipse area, but it seemed like only a heavy thunderstorm in terms of darkness. The light had an eerie effect though, because (unlike dawn and dusk) - the light was still directly overhead. Made it seem odd.
Well, we had some glasses, so we were all set..... :3 But wow..... :O That's a cool way to put it!..... :3 Makes me wish I could have seen it!..... :3