so i have questions about my nvidia driver install

i installed nvidia driver and so then i followed all the instructions i found online from freebsd as well as the ones that appeared after the install.

but then i ran inxi to look at my system and under graphics i see the following

  Device-1: NVIDIA TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER] driver: vgapci
    bus-ID: 0:1:0.0

  Display: server: X.Org driver: loaded: nvidia
    resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz

  OpenGL: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
    v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 550.54.14 direct render: Yes

can someone tell me please, in that first section under graphics it shows my 1660 super graphics card but then it shows the driver as vgapci and i am wondering iof that vgapci is the correct driver for my card or if it should be a nvidia driver instead there. Kinda new to freebsd and just am not sure about that. i can se the display server is clearly using the nvidia driver and that open gl is using nvidia also.
...never heard of any inxi...

vgapci bus-ID: 0:1:0.0

is not the driver but simply the graphics card bus, on which your graphics adapter seems to be detected correctly.

loaded: nvidia
That's the driver module loaded.
Also looks correct to me.
To ensure which, or if any ("driver") module is loaded to the kernel you may do a kldstat (as root).
In that list you get in the shell also check if there is a nvidia-modeset.ko also loaded - but I bet it is.

Even OpenGL seems to work fine.

You do have a running X-server, right? Using a desktop-environment (KDE, Gnome, xfce, lxde, or whatever you're using at the moment), right?
Then everything is okay to me.
never heard of inxi? run it as root

inxi -Fxzmc31

and watch the magic happen! All kinds of neat system info. If it's not installed on your system

# pkg install inxi

you will not be disappointed