Slim login rebooting system

Hello everyone, I'm in FreeBSD 10.3 with slim and xfce.

alt+ctrl+f1-6 is not working

I am only getting slim login screen. When I try to login using normal user credentials, I get slim splash screen and then the system reboots.

I am unable to switch to text console for troubleshooting.

Any suggestions please.
It is Alt-Fn, according to both syscons(4) and vt(4).

Alt-fn is not responding.

However, alt+ctrl+fn on f1 to f8 the slim login screen shows a faded color and does not give me the text console.

alt+ctrl+f9 returns me to the slim login screen. On entry of my credentials the system doesnot even follow the reboot procedure it simply crashes and a reboot takes place.

Single user mode is only allowing read-only file system
To use slim you need to create a ~/.xinitrc file, with at least the following:
exec $1
set the execute flag for .xinitrc:

To switch to and from text console using CTRL+ ALT+ Fn you must use a vt(4) console if you are using a intel or radeon graphics driver.

To do that, add the following line in loader.conf:
and reboot your system.

To apply the above settings, at slim login type console, will open a text terminal window, log in as user and su/sudo to root as required.
Single user mode is only allowing read-only file system

That's standard, and needed to allow you to do certain things which are not possible if the filesystem was to come up as rw by default. A couple of quick and safe commands should give you all filesystems available based on their /etc/fstab configuration, assuming a traditional UFS/FFS system.

fsck -p
mount -uw /
mount -a -t ufs
Thanks to Murph and ASX.

Here is output of .xfce4-session.verbose.log(since cant copy paste so scribbling and approximate trace)

Trace[xfsm-manager.c:1295] xfsm_manager_save_yourself_done():, received SAVE YOURSELF DONE [Success = True]

Trace[xfsm-manager.c:555] xfsm_properties_set_uchar(): -> Set uchar (RestartStyleHint, 0)

.xinitrc file reads
exec /usr/local/bin/startxfce4
.xinitrc file reads
exec /usr/local/bin/startxfce4

This will work, but will prevent slim to select alternate DEs (F1 in slim cycle thru the available "xsessions").

Is dbus service installed and running ?

I'm assuming that startxfce4 actually already works and doesn't crash ... just in case.
Sorry, I misread that code: it will not work
either change it to
exec $1
exec /usr/local/share/xsession/xfce.desktop

Tried it, however it did not work the result is same. Slim login screen and then crashes to ugly reboot.

Tried this. Now the Slim login screen displays Failed to execute login command. Then it again gives the login screen.

Still alt+ fn or alt+ctrl+fn, behaving in same manner.

However startxfce4 in single user mode does fire up the xfce4 desktop without any mouse.

This made me do this in single user mode, after mounting the root partition in rw mode

# pkg delete slim

Rebooted into multi user mode and logged in as a user. Followed by

$ startxfce4

I got the xfce4 desktop.

$ uname -a
FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE #0 r274401: Tue Nov 11 22:51:51 UTC 2014  i386

Please suggest me a login manager that will not crash the system.

If someone feels the thread is solved, it may please be marked as solved.