Simple GUI tool for tracking port updates - portrac

Hi guys,
I wrote a small tool for tracking port updates. It's based on Qt4 and integrates with the system tray (so it won't bother you too much ;) )
It just shows a list of your installed ports that have updates, nothing more, updating the ports is up to you.

Please give it a try if you think this is something you might need.
Any questions, comments, remarks, suggestions...whatever feedback is welcome.

thank you

P.S. this is the first version so it could have bugs and it certainly misses features :)
thanks for the comments :)
I've just made an update which makes the whole thing a lot faster (over 15-16 times). I've made it capable of handling compressed indices which saves really a lot time and bandwidth on both ends.
Now the default index is
you could delete ~/.portrac and restart portrac or just set a compressed index via the preferences dialog.

on my machine it calculates the updated ports using a compressed index for seconds

cheers :)

P.S. of course it could still handle plain text indices
Hi nal,
thanks for your remark,
adding the possibility to update the ports is not that simple. Everyone has his/her own way of updating ports. For the moment I intend to keep this tool simple and doing just this updates tracking thing.
