Solved Shutdown messages

When I shutdown, there are messages displayed on the screen before the screen goes blank. I assume these messages are being written to stdout. Is there any other location that these messages are being written to? I have messages regarding iwlwifi that might be of interest to the devs working on that driver and I would like to send to them. Thanks.
Is there any other location that these messages are being written to?
I belief there isn't.

You could send a picture instead. Take with a smartphone a burst shot of the shutdown process by holding the finger on the trigger button, choose the one best suited. Place the phone on a stable rest to get a clear picture.

If a picture is inconvenient it can be converted by a online OCR service into text.
Thanks for all of helpful suggestions. I was finally able to capture the messages I wanted by following this in syslog.conf

# uncomment this to enable logging of all log messages to /var/log/all.log
# touch /var/log/all.log and chmod it to mode 600 before it will work
*.* /var/log/all.log

The suggestion for console.log did not show the iwlwifi messages upon reboot.
enable console.log
uncomment line in syslog.conf
touch /var/log/console.log && chmod 600 /var/log/console.log
restart syslogd
[wait for] reboot
Gonna be useful for me - I saw some shutdown messages about some part of amdgpu.ko driver crashing on my laptop. It's some .c file with a long filepath. Just being able to see those messages is a good first step towards troubleshooting.