Show problems of enabling USBHID for modern input peripheral drivers

This thread is to show issues and link to reports from other threads, mailing lists, bugs and elsewhere of unresolved issues of enabling USBHID for newer HID drivers. Also, about potential issues of disabling UHID. This thread is based of off of Thread howto-enabling-multimedia-keys-gamepads-joysticks-for-desktop-usbhid.84464.

As of FreeBSD 14 series, and mostly for 13 series, the following is needed in /boot/loader.conf

uhid can optionally be disabled from loader.conf:
When uhid and ukbd are disabled, hkbd is needed for it to work in single user mode: noted in PR 279953.

x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev is needed for hkbd to work on Xorg. More details are in the how-to thread above.

When usbhid is enabled, Yubikey (webauth u2f security) has been reported to not work, and there's still an open bug report on that: Thread yubikey-security-key-u2f-help-requested.93331 & PR 265528. The PR was for FreeBSD 13.1. Yubikey relies on the hidraw(4) driver, according to Thread using-yubikey-otp-with-hid-with-yubikey-fido2-ed25519-sk-for-ssh-does-not-work-properly.88531.

According to the manpage, hidraw seems to rely on uhid rather than usbhid, which might be the culprit. Does anyone know if there's a replacement version of hidraw for USBHID, or if hidraw can be made to work with USBHID? Furthermore, hidraw(4) didn't load uhid on my computer. Also, the completely different ugold(4) HID driver needs to be tested with usbhid, as it also didn't load my already disabled uhid driver.

See if there's an update and status of: Thread mouse-in-console-with-usbhid-active.91411.

While a lot of this is covered in the How-to thread above, this is for continuation and more discussion of and links to issues with enabling usbhid and potentially disabling uhid. Also, because there's a delay on posts to that thread.