Solved should stay with 14.0-RELEASE instead of 14.1?

the problem is, today I install a fresh 14.1-RELEASE image, I notice that there some missing packages, like firefox,vlc,audacious-plugins,deadbeef, even xmms(I dont know about this,allways use audacious)
compile firefox/vlc from ports and works fine,but there are many missing packages
should install 14.0-RELEASE to avoid this?
btw, I hate the change fro audacious-plugins to go patchs to make a 31 band equalizer not work anymore...try to debug it but no luck
Both 14.0 and 14.1 use the exact same repository.

instead I should downgrade for example the audacious and audacious-plugins ports?
in some point of 14.1-RELEASE audacious and plugins update to qt6

I'have tried:

portdowngrade multimedia/audacious-plugins | less

r566213 | madpilot | 2021-02-21 07:12:06 -0300 (Sun, 21 Feb 2021) | 3 lines

- Update audacious to 4.1
- Update audacious-plugins to 4.1


and then

portdowngrade multimedia/audacious-plugins 566213

A    audacious-plugins/Makefile
A    audacious-plugins/distinfo
A    audacious-plugins/pkg-plist
A    audacious-plugins/pkg-descr
Checked out revision 566213.
You should be done-- now cd into audacious-plugins and you can run
# make deinstall install clean

so..ok , I enter in audacious-plugins and the build is still qt6 flavor

I'am doing someting wrong?
That port has flavors now. Try this: cd /usr/ports/multimedia/audacious && make FLAVOR=qt5 install clean

again and again..thanks..resolved
I have to start from scratch(this part of code is the same in all flavors,but..)


do the trick .. now a beautiful GKT2 interface :D:D

Screenshot from 2024-08-15 16-15-29.png