I'm running a chrooted SFTP environment. I am trying sftp larger files to the server. The transfer clicks a long pretty good, and then looks like packet loss occurs and the connection drops. However, it seems to log the below in the log.
I'm trying to find out what this means for sure, I've tried google around and found references to tcpwinsz, but being that I'm new to networking protocols and still learning about BSD/UNIX, I'm trying to find out if it just means connection dropped/terminated or if it is a problem with the chroot sftp implementation.
Here is the code right before it:
Being that I'm new, I don't know what else to provide.
Thanks for any help
I'm running a chrooted SFTP environment. I am trying sftp larger files to the server. The transfer clicks a long pretty good, and then looks like packet loss occurs and the connection drops. However, it seems to log the below in the log.
debug2: tcpwinsz: 65700 for connection: 3
I'm trying to find out what this means for sure, I've tried google around and found references to tcpwinsz, but being that I'm new to networking protocols and still learning about BSD/UNIX, I'm trying to find out if it just means connection dropped/terminated or if it is a problem with the chroot sftp implementation.
Here is the code right before it:
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug3: mm_request_receive entering
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug3: monitor_read: checking request 113
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug3: mm_answer_audit_command entering
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug3: mm_request_receive entering
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug1: do_cleanup
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug1: PAM: cleanup
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug1: PAM: closing session
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug1: PAM: deleting credentials
Aug 16 17:45:48 hostname sshd[42449]: debug3: PAM: sshpam_thread_cleanup entering
Aug 16 17:45:55 hostname sshd[42308]: debug2: tcpwinsz: 65700 for connection: 3
Being that I'm new, I don't know what else to provide.
Thanks for any help