settings do not remember


I am quite new to FreeBSD; I have installed it in a VM under Manjaro Linux. I use Gnome 3.

The Settings GUI do not remeber my city and local time. I do not see anything designating how to remeber it - no OK button or the like.

Also, when I search for Terminal and press the icon, a small circle is running shortly and then disappears without starting it. I have tried the Linux shortcut keys of Ctrl + Alt +T in vain.

Thank you in advance!
Regarding the settings I cannot help you because I use KDE.
For terminal: you can install x11/gnome-terminal with the command pkg install x11/gnome-terminal.
I personally like x11/guake. After installing it, press F12 to show and hide the terminal.

Oh, P.S. - You don't know how to open a terminal window, right? Just press Ctrl-Alt-F2 and you'll jump to a textual console. When you're finished, press Alt-F9 and you get back to the GUI.
Did you start dbus? That's often the reason why things don't work as expected. How are you starting Gnome? Using startx? Or did you use SLiM or some other display manager?