Sent bug report, but accidentally deleted gnuts email


I sent yesterday bug report about if_carp at 8.3 and kldload/klunload/kldstat via website form.
Today at morning I received mail from freebsd-gnuts, but accidentally deleted it via smartphone (I was on the edge between reality and dreem :) ).
Now I do not know what's with those bug... It does not searches via bug reports or maillists...
How can I find what's happened with my bug report now?

Hm.. email found
Thank you very much for your problem report.
It has the internal identification `kern/172535'.
The individual assigned to look at your
report is: freebsd-bugs.

You can access the state of your problem report at any time
via this link:

>Category:       kern
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>Synopsis:       kldload+kldunload if_carp makes kldstat not working
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Oct 09 22:30:17 UTC 2012
but link to this bug says "No PRs Matched Query".