Solved security/openssh-portable: Port marked as IGNORE?

I would like to change my sshd to a new version quickly. When I use the base OS sshd, I have to recompile world, and that is taking much more time than a portupgrade -a. And I do not like openssl much and prefer libressl instead.

In the past, this worked fine.

But today, as long as I cannot rollback my ports tree, I am afraid that I have to go back to the base OS version.
Yes, ports tree is updated, but I still get:

openssh-portable-7.6.p1_3,1 is marked as broken: Not yet updated for
7.6+ and disabled in base.

And yesterday I have learned that building world with base system's openssh does not fill /etc/ssh with configuration files.
openssh-portable-7.6.p1_3,1 is marked as broken: Not yet updated for 7.6+ and disabled in base.
BROKEN=                 Not yet updated for 7.6+ and disabled in base
Turn off HPN and NONECIPHER.

And yesterday I have learned that building world with base system's openssh does not fill /etc/ssh with configuration files.
That's done with mergemaster(8).
The port isnt outright broken, as I can attest to that given its installed on several production systems.

Its the first I have heard of an entire port been disabled because it doesnt work with a few "optional" configurations, yes openssl-devel and libressl are both optional.

Perhaps functions such as HPN should be enabled in base ssh before we all get told to use it.

Also unless 7.5 has a security issue, its perhaps better to keep the port on 7.5 fully functional than to have it on 7.6 in its current state, especially if HPN doesnt work with 7.6.


So i see now its only blocked if HPN is enabled, the broken message is misleading, as it ommits the word HPN from its message :)