Shell Script From NordVpn For FreeBSD

Is there some one who can tell me if it's possible to modify that script to make it work under FreeBSD, or would it be impossible because of a question of packages dependencies or availability under FreeBSD? Since i'm not able to code anything myself I submit it to someone, if it's possible, who would have the amiability, time and knowledge to write it, for my part I possess the to two first characteristic but not the third.

It's source:
This script checks which Linux distro/package manager you are using and install a vendor-specific VPN client package.
No such package exists for FreeBSD at present. Moreover, it appears to be a complex Go application ( designed for the Linux networking stack, which could be non-trivial to port to FreeBSD.
This may be a naïve question, but is there any reason not to use OpenVPN with the configuration files provided here: I would personally vastly prefer this solution to using a vendor-specific VPN client.
Obviously, you lose some of the niceness of automatic server selection or a kill-switch, but you could accomplish the latter with some manipulation of the routing tables and/or a post-down script.
In short, it would be helpful to know what you are trying to do with the script and why you need the NordVPN client specifically.
Install script just looks for specific packages on their website to install. As they don't seem to have FreeBSD packages no amount of fiddling with the script will make it work on FreeBSD.
This may be a naïve question, but is there any reason not to use OpenVPN with the configuration files provided here: I would personally vastly prefer this solution to using a vendor-specific VPN client.
I agree with you. I'm currently using openvpn to connect to their services but I often loose the connection so i was looking to see if another option was possible. like wireguard or that script. But for now openvpn is the only option, it works, i'm just not familiar with it, so i have another learning curve ahead, that and setting the firewall which is not done yet either and many other things! I wanted to use FreeBSD there I am! Wish me good luck, I'll break everything before the end of the week :)

But for now openvpn is the only option, it works, i'm just not familiar with it, so i have another learning curve ahead, that and setting the firewall which is not done yet either and many other things!
Glad this makes sense. Feel free to reach out if you need help with the settings or scripting.
I'm currently using openvpn to connect to their services but I often loose the connection so i was looking to see if another option was possible.
Have you tried to track down the reason why it disconnects? I've seen issues in the past that as long as traffic was going vpn would stay up, but with no user traffic the built-in keepalives (--inactive, --ping-restart plus others) did not seem to work
Have you tried to track down the reason why it disconnects? I've seen issues in the past that as long as traffic was going vpn would stay up, but with no user traffic the built-in keepalives (--inactive, --ping-restart plus others) did not seem to work
No because for now I have no time to do it. And I hardly know where to begin such investigation. I also doubt that I have the needed knowledge or skill to successfully do it. But that's no excuse just lack of will. I am aware that it's the right way to do things in FreeBSD rather than to take the easy way like i'm prompt to do to avoid problem, and searching for easy other solution. so if you ever see me here following that path don't encourage me! :)
Easiest way to get data to track it down is start the client side manually and add a --log <filename> and --verb 4. That writes stuff to a log file and bumps up the verbosity of the output.

I'd do that once or twice, then take some time to sift through the output for clues.
But it's nontrivial
Easiest way to get data to track it down is start the client side manually and add a --log <filename> and --verb 4. That writes stuff to a log file and bumps up the verbosity of the output.

I'd do that once or twice, then take some time to sift through the output for clues.
But it's nontrivial
Ok i'll try it for sure sometime later, thanks
Marijus Briedis (CTO NordVPN) has decided to give BSD a go, but is looking for someone like a knowledgeable FreeBSD user/dev to cast an extra pair of eyeballs on his efforts for the first one or two iterations of the script. Takers?

That's not the right approach. They need to give up using home-grown nonsense when OpenVPN and Wireguard are available.

Never roll your own crypto.

Not everyone has more than their local PC/laptop available. I may run servers on all continents, so I can deploy Wieguard and hop on whatever network I want, but most people do not have 'some random VPN server' to deploy for themselves, unless you want everyone to rent a VPS and roll their own. Seems a bit much to ask.
Is there some one who can tell me if it's possible to modify that script to make it work under FreeBSD, or would it be impossible because of a question of packages dependencies or availability under FreeBSD? Since i'm not able to code anything myself I submit it to someone, if it's possible, who would have the amiability, time and knowledge to write it, for my part I possess the to two first characteristic but not the third.

It's source:

I had the same problem as you (but with Witopia) and I've solved it by creating the script below in bash. It is very basic since I'm like you,I'm not a programmer. But it does what I need. For sure it can be improved easily.

If you want to use FreeBSD you should not forget that this OS is still spartan. This is not a "click and run" OS. Often you will not have a comfortable GUI to use. If you want something like that,you should create a script and you will do it without bell and whistles.
Not everyone has more than their local PC/laptop available. I may run servers on all continents, so I can deploy Wieguard and hop on whatever network I want, but most people do not have 'some random VPN server' to deploy for themselves, unless you want everyone to rent a VPS and roll their own. Seems a bit much to ask.

You seem to have misunderstood what I was saying. There are large VPN providers that (optionally) just give you an OpenVPN or Wireguard profile, in addition to their klickibunti installer for the masses.
Thanks for sharing your script, ill look into it when i'll have better knowledge of sh scripting for sure.
Thanks for advice too. I know about FreeBSD. I'm lucky to have a working environment practically out of the box, i'm grateful to the community's devs. I'll built my nest on that tree!

Don't change OS and forum. This is the best place where to learn and have a LOT of support from very experienced users. They helped me SO MUCH. I will be and you will be grateful to them for the rest of your life.