Solved SARG Installation Error


Apologies if this is not the correct section for this, however I have FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE (GENERIC) installed and am trying to get SARG installed with my Squid proxy server. Unfortunately though I get the following error message listed below. Could anybody please help or point me in the right direction to fix this? Ive Google the error but nothing concrete has popped up. Thanks in advance.

portsnap fetch update (No Issues)
portsnap fetch extract (No Issues)
cd /usr/ports/www/sarg
make install clean

*** Error code 1

Make[1]: stopped in /user/ports/www/sarg
*** Error code 1
I very much doubt this is all you got. Error code 1 is just a generic error message and doesn't tell us much. Please post the whole error.
You get this error because it's already installed:
===>   sarg-2.3.10 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of sarg
      without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER"
      in your environment or the "make install" command line.
Hi SirDice

I saw that. However I also have webmin installed. And according to it, its not installed though?

Module Config

Squid Report Generator 

The Sarg configuration file /usr/local/sarg/sarg.conf was not found on your system. Maybe Sarg is not installed, or the module configuration is incorrect.
Hi SirDice

I figured out my issue. The default sarg.conf location is

and not

Thanks for all your help. Issue resolved :)