Solved Running Squeak On FreeBSD 10

I've been tinkering with a new installation of FreeBSD 10 on an external hard drive. My plan is to run Squeak on it using Mate as the desktop. Once I had the system set up, I installed Squeak using

pkg install squeak

I haven't been able to get Squeak to run, for some reason. So far, I've been unsuccessful. It appears to start successfully with
CHECKING squeakvm
but then execution stops with
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
resulting in a core dump file.

I thought that it might be due to Mate, so I tried the same thing using XFCE and, later, GNOME 2, respectively, as the desktops. However, a few months ago, I installed FreeBSD 10 on an internal drive on the same machine. The desktop's GNOME and it runs like a charm.

Did I miss something? Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I've searched the Internet for possible solutions but I haven't found anything yet.

Thank you.
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Have you tested alternatives?
psearch smalltalk
lang/pharo  Pharo is Smalltalk-inspired environment
lang/smalltalk  GNU Smalltalk
lang/squeak  Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to Unix, Mac, and Windows
lang/visualworks  High performance Smalltalk environment
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Are you tested alternatives?
psearch smalltalk
lang/pharo  Pharo is Smalltalk-inspired environment
lang/smalltalk  GNU Smalltalk
lang/squeak  Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to Unix, Mac, and Windows
lang/visualworks  High performance Smalltalk environment

My code is written in Squeak so I'm focusing on that. I'm not sure if the Squeak port was revised after my earlier installation and, if so, what happened.
After trying all sorts of variations on installing Squeak, I finally have it running. Earlier this evening, I finished configuring my machine with FreeBSD 10.1 (AMD version), Mate as desktop, and Slim as login manager. It works like a charm now.