RTL8822CE network card is not recognized.

How to drive it?

I find ERL8833CE driver source code for Linux ..
Drivers and application for Linux don't direct compile to FreeBSD - its ported, because Linux kernel builds by gcc, FreeBSD kernel builds clang and has their own structure, different than Linux kernel.
When drivers or application ported - they appears in the official FreeBSD ports or kernel...
Because FreeBSD drivers and application version have some time lag for same Linux application.
I don't have FreeBSD installed in this machine. But one day I'll try installing wifibox and post whether it works or not. Thanks!
I'll try installing wifibox
Wait a minute, there is a native rtw88 driver, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/WiFi/Rtw88.

Support Matrix

Which chipset was tested?

Wait a minute, there is a native rtw88 driver, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/WiFi/Rtw88.

Support Matrix

Which chipset was tested?

View attachment 14898
Yup, there's a Rtw88 native driver which I have tried and worked. Sadly I found FreeBSD 14 to be very unstable even for desktop use (I couldn't even install Xorg). So the option is either to use wifibox or to wait for 14 to be released. Unless they're planning to include that driver in FreeBSD 13.1 which doesn't seem to be the case according to that page:

Q: I am running 13.1-RELEASE but I cannot find the driver?
  • A: That is because at the time the release was published the driver has only been in main (14-CURRENT) and not even in stable/13.
    A: The driver was merged to stable/13 and that'll be your best chance to try it out.
    A: It is unclear at this point if it'll be feasible to provide an out-of-tree version for 13.1-RELEASE -- likely not.
Sadly I found FreeBSD 14 to be very unstable even for desktop use (I couldn't even install Xorg).
-CURRENT is an unsupported, development version for a reason.

Topics about unsupported FreeBSD versions

to wait for 14 to be released
July 2023 at the earliest.

The driver was merged to stable/13 and that'll be your best chance to try it out.
If it has been merged to stable/13 it will be included in 13.2-RELEASE.

Note that -STABLE is a supported, development version.

I have the impression the driver is still not stable.

On my pc i tried the following:
#both with: SYNCDHCP and DHCP
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"

#with and without

#with and without
pkg install wifi-firmware-rtw88-kmod

Nothing really works, kernel faults and reboots from the moment I do a call to internet. I use the latest version of FreeBSD, with latest patches, fresh new installation.

Anyone an idea ? Thanks in advance.
Right, that's not the latest version ;)

RC1 for 14.1 should be available now. Could you try that? There's been quite a bit of work done on LINUXKPI after 14.0-RELEASE.
Oookay. An additional question, suppose I would do that, does working with a release candidate when 14.1 is final, give you a valid 14.1. Or can it be that some files will be different. I prefer not a beta, testing not complete version , you see what i mean? Will it give trouble at the end of the day... I wonder
I notice now however that it's not always stable. Sometimes the connection drops.

But anyway, it's better then nothing.

Thanks for the tips :
Cath O'Deray and SirDice