Rename blacklist to «not well loved list».

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Is there a plan to follow the fashion of renaming black/white slave/master with shamalow lang for FreeBSD ?
What you thing about this idea ?

I am sceptic about the reason and the efficience but if it is a good thing, maybe FreeBSD need to follow the movement ?
As an experiment, we could start to use the grammatical neutrum for all subjects & objects appearing in our posts for a week. This will be the funniest week in this historical year...
As an experiment, we could start to use the grammatical neutrum for all subjects & objects appearing in our posts for a week. This will be the funniest week in this historical year...
If those words had enough for a big impact, it would backfire opposed to what you wanted.

I don't know why I comment here, I don't see the point in this discussion.
My point is about the movement. Apple follow Google, Microsoft and others.
But for me, this is the first step of a very dangerous way. The acceptance of crimes is easiest if it is about «not as free as they wanted» poeple than slave.
But if FreeBSD is the last OS with blacklist or master/slave word in the doc, the OS can be stigmatised (for wrong reasons IMHO).
That is why I started this thread (and thanks, I share the majority of opinions expressed here)
My point is about the movement. Apple follow Google, Microsoft and others.
But for me, this is the first step of a very dangerous way. The acceptance of crimes is easiest if it is about «not as free as they wanted» poeple than slave.
But if FreeBSD is the last OS with blacklist or master/slave word in the doc, the OS can be stigmatised (for wrong reasons IMHO).
That is why I started this thread (and thanks, I share the majority of opinions expressed here)

I respect like anyone any race or religion
But sorry,but I dont see or imagine skinheads or naz#@ (sorry for post the entire word,corrected)
using FreeBSD only for that
or "that FreeBSD is the OS for the white people" concept in the future
is too stupid, and if anybody think like that person, has too much free time
Just like the story with the ridiculous CoC, the people who make these decisions are sorely missed here so they see where they are wrong.
But if FreeBSD is the last OS with blacklist or master/slave word in the doc, the OS can be stigmatised (for wrong reasons IMHO).

FreeBSD getting stigmatized indeed could become an issue in some future. There will come a time that masses won't think back that discriminating people is far different from discriminating processes on a computer. IMHO a computer will always be a slave to the human pushing the buttons, and some computers rule other computers (indeed) in a master/slave relation -- stop what you are doing, I decide from here.

FreeBSD could make a statement that humans are not computers and therefore we can use existing words for archaic relations between machines, as it has noting to do with relations between human beings.

But the world isn't that rational, and even FreeBSD could have to bend like the reed. As long as it isn't about systemd, it will be only words.
FreeBSD is very clear on this topic: Code of Conduct. If the mainstream usage of language will change, i.e. this is not just fashionable, FreeBSD will likely have pressure to follow. A buddy of mine is a trans woman. She's got a Dr. title in linguistics, so she knows what she's talking about. Her statement is: there is lots of truth in these topics about gender terms & political correctness, but many quick shots go far beyond their goal and above all, violate and/or ignore etymology & existing grammatics. E.g. "carpenter" is neutrum in english (?), but male in german. So when I write "the carpenter" in german it automagically includes female, trans & unspecified carpenters. But they want me to write "carpenters/fem". OK I write "s/he". That's easy and does not violate grammatics. Worst what I whitnessed was a woman complaining about the term history: "Why the f* is there a 'his' in this term?! It should be renamed to 'herstory'!" My answer: it's etymology is latin or greek...
That is doubleplus ungood comrade. Good doublespeak is neurodifferent.
Right you are. Never keep out anyone. Use female forms for bad descriptions, also. Not only highwaymen but also highwaywomen. You tell your kids about Fireperson Sam and cancel Paw Patrol because of the gender ratio among dogs and the presence of a german sheperd police dog...

Edit: in case you, kind reading entity, did not know: the prophets spoke of it long ago.
There was a skit on a no longer running John Leguizamo show. It might have been House of Buggin. IIRC Leguizamo was dressed like a woman, and he was saying to rename words for gender. It renamed words from "her" to "him", one which was a prefix of a named disease. It's the only one I remember watching as an adolescent.
My point is about the movement. Apple follow Google, Microsoft and others.
But for me, this is the first step of a very dangerous way. The acceptance of crimes is easiest if it is about «not as free as they wanted» poeple than slave.
But if FreeBSD is the last OS with blacklist or master/slave word in the doc, the OS can be stigmatised (for wrong reasons IMHO).
That is why I started this thread (and thanks, I share the majority of opinions expressed here)
Blacklist, as others have stated is not based on black as a skin colour. Making it so is, as Crivens says, is 'idiocracy' ad absurdum. (Sorry if my Latin micro-harms any peoples previously conquered by the Roman Empire).

Might I also add this is a highly US-centric issue. They, and perhaps the UK, have experience with only black slavery but history shows us that slavery has existed as long as we've been able to document it, back to ancient Egypt (white slaves), is just one example.
Given this US-centric notion that if it offends us it must offend you, I tend to scoff at it all and ignore these SJW idiots.

Revision 363657
Jump to revision:    
Author:     emaste
Date:     Wed Jul 29 00:34:24 2020 UTC (3 hours, 28 minutes ago)
Changed paths:     2
Log Message:    

sshd: allow UseBlocklist alias for UseBlacklist

blacklistd has been renamed to blocklistd upstream, and a future
import into FreeBSD will follow that change.  Support the new name
as an alias in config files.

Reviewed by:    bz, delphij
MFC after:    1 week
Sponsored by:    The FreeBSD Foundation
Differential Revision:
I'm sorry, but this is not a black and white issue.
The discussion has been blackened, I'm afraid, by nefarious individuals.

As an aside, the other morning I was whitening my teeth (because I ate blackberries the previous night) when I
noticed a blackhead. I was so dismayed, I thought how on earth will I play blackjack tonight? I mean I could try to whitewash the
entire thing, couldn't I?

The only solution was to blackmail a friend into substituting for me otherwise I would be blackballed

Come to think of it, the bathroom needs painting; a nice soft shade of white should do. Not too dark, mind you.

Oh the dilemma. Oh the inhumanity.
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