Solved Remove openbox after installing mate?

I had installed openbox without error and now I installed mate desktop and then GDM.
Now, When I rebooted my FreeBSD, it runs GDM and when I enter my user(or root) pass it appears a mouse notification like cross(X) in the blank screen and nothing else!
I think that I must remove openbox.
How I can reboot to safe mode and remove openbox desktop?
When you boot, before GDM kicks in, do you get a screen with numbers, including 4 for single user mode? If so, you can use that, comment out the
 enable_gdm line
that I assume you put in /etc/rc.conf, since that's what's causing your problem, then decide what to use in an .xinitrc file in your home directory. To be able to write to the file, you'll need to run mount -u /

When you get that X, if you left click (not right click), do you get any sort of menu? If so, then it's probably defaulting to twm, the default, IIRC, window manager. In that case, the trouble isn't openbox, it's something with the GDM setup.

I suspect that if you comment out the gdm line, reboot in text mode, then use that $HOME/.xinitrc file to boot mate, it will fix your issue. (I have no idea what the syntax is for mate, I assume something like exec mate or exec mate-session.)
May be you run the old syscons console driver. You might need the newcons vt(). Please add the following file to /boot/loader.conf
and reboot. Of course you need a kernel as the generic 10.1 kernel which has newcons build in.