Remove dependency on security/openssl on install ports with portmaster

Hi there,
I've upgraded freebsd on a system from 11.x to 12.2 and would like to remove the security/openssl port and redefine dependencies to the base version included with 12.2. I commented out DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=openssl in /etc/make.conf but noticed when running portmaster -af security/openssl remains a dependency with other ports. I've been working with portmaster and prefer suggestions related to portmaster.
Thanks in advance and have a great day!

update: running a simple pkg delete openssl returns the following
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
        ImageMagick6-nox11:,1 2.8.8
        asciidoc: 9.0.5
        bind-tools: 9.16.11
        cairo: 1.16.0_1,3
        clamav: 0.103.1,1
        cmake: 3.19.4_1
        curl: 7.75.0
        cyrus-sasl: 2.1.27_1
        dovecot: 2.3.13
        dovecot-pigeonhole: 0.5.13
        doxygen: 1.9.0,2
        ffmpeg: 4.3.1_10,1
        freetds: 1.2.18,1
        galera: 25.3.32
        gamin: 0.1.10_10
        gdb: 10.1_1
        git: 2.30.1
        glib: 2.66.4_1,1
        gnupg1: 1.4.23_2
        gnutls: 3.6.15
        gobject-introspection: 1.66.1,1
        graphviz: 2.44.1_7
        gtk-doc: 1.33.2
        harfbuzz: 2.7.4
        harfbuzz-icu: 2.7.4_1
        htdig: 3.2.0.b6_6
        itstool: 2.0.6
        ldns: 1.7.1_2
        lftp: 4.9.2
        libarchive: 3.4.3_1,1
        libass: 0.15.0
        libgphoto2: 2.5.26
        liblqr-1: 0.4.2
        libmemcached: 1.0.18_7
        libraqm: 0.6.0
        libssh2: 1.9.0_3,3
        libzip: 1.7.3
        llvm10: 10.0.1_5
        llvm80: 8.0.1_4
        maia: 1.0.4_5
        mailgraph: 1.14_10
        mariadb103-client: 10.3.27_1
        mariadb103-server: 10.3.27
        mc-nox11: 4.8.26
        meson: 0.56.2
        mysqlbackup: 2.8
        net-snmp: 5.9_1,1
        nextcloud-php73: 20.0.7
        nginx: 1.18.0_46,2
        ninja: 1.10.2,2
        nmap: 7.91
        opencv: 4.5.1
        opendkim: 2.10.3_11
        openldap-client: 2.4.57
        openssl: 1.1.1i_1,1
        p11-kit: 0.23.22
        p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum: 0.09
        p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA: 0.31
        p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random: 0.15
        p5-Crypt-SSLeay: 0.72_3
        p5-DBD-mysql: 4.050
        p5-FuzzyOcr-devel: 3.6.0_6
        p5-GeoIP2: 2.006002
        p5-IO-All-LWP: 0.14_2
        p5-IO-Socket-SSL: 2.069
        p5-LWP-Protocol-https: 6.10
        p5-Mail-DKIM: 0.58
        p5-Mail-DomainKeys: 1.0_2
        p5-Net-HTTP: 6.20
        p5-Net-SSLeay: 1.88
        p5-libwww: 6.52
        p5-subversion: 1.14.1
        panda-cclient: 20130621_1
        pango: 1.42.4_5
        php73-curl: 7.3.27
        php73-extensions: 1.0
        php73-ftp: 7.3.27
        php73-imap: 7.3.27
        php73-ldap: 7.3.27
        php73-openssl: 7.3.27
        php73-pecl-imagick: 3.4.4_2
        php73-zip: 7.3.27
        phpMyAdmin-php73: 4.9.7
        poppler: 21.02.0
        postfix: 3.5.9,1
        postfixadmin: 3.2.4
        py37-Babel: 2.9.0
        py37-CommonMark: 0.9.1
        py37-Jinja2: 2.11.2_1
        py37-acme: 1.11.0,1
        py37-alabaster: 0.7.6
        py37-appdirs: 1.4.4
        py37-arrow: 0.17.0
        py37-asn1crypto: 1.4.0
        py37-b2sdk: 1.1.4
        py37-bcrypt: 3.2.0
        py37-beaker: 1.11.0
        py37-boto: 2.49.0_1
        py37-boto3: 1.16.56
        py37-botocore: 1.19.56
        py37-certbot: 1.11.0,1
        py37-certbot-nginx: 1.11.0
        py37-certifi: 2020.12.5
        py37-cffi: 1.14.4
        py37-chardet: 3.0.4_3
        py37-configargparse: 1.2.3
        py37-configobj: 5.0.6_1
        py37-country: 18.5.26
        py37-cryptography: 2.9.2
        py37-cython: 0.29.21
        py37-dateutil: 2.8.1
        py37-distro: 1.5.0
        py37-docutils: 0.16
        py37-fasteners: 0.16
        py37-funcsigs: 1.0.2
        py37-future: 0.18.2
        py37-google-i18n-address: 2.3.5
        py37-html5lib: 1.0.1
        py37-idna: 2.10
        py37-imagesize: 1.1.0
        py37-intervaltree: 3.0.2
        py37-jmespath: 0.10.0
        py37-josepy: 1.5.0
        py37-kitchen: 1.2.6
        py37-libcloud: 3.3.1
        py37-libxml2: 2.9.10_2
        py37-logfury: 0.1.2
        py37-lxml: 4.6.2
        py37-mako: 1.0.14_1
        py37-markupsafe: 1.1.1_1
        py37-mock: 3.0.5
        py37-monotonic: 1.5
        py37-msgpack: 1.0.2
        py37-numpy: 1.16.6,1
        py37-openssl: 19.1.0
        py37-packaging: 20.9
        py37-paramiko: 2.7.1
        py37-parsedatetime: 2.6
        py37-pexpect: 4.8.0
        py37-ply: 3.11
        py37-progressbar: 2.5
        py37-psutil: 5.8.0
        py37-ptyprocess: 0.6.0
        py37-pyasn1: 0.4.7
        py37-pycparser: 2.20
        py37-pycrypto: 2.6.1_3
        py37-pyflakes: 2.2.0
        py37-pygments: 2.7.2
        py37-pyinotify: 0.9.6
        py37-pynacl: 1.4.0
        py37-pyparsing: 2.4.7
        py37-pyrfc3339: 1.1
        py37-pysocks: 1.7.1
        py37-pytest-runner: 2.11.1
        py37-pytz: 2020.5,1
        py37-pyzmq: 22.0.2
        py37-recommonmark: 0.5.0_2
        py37-repoze.sphinx.autointerface: 0.8
        py37-requests: 2.22.0_2
        py37-requests-toolbelt: 0.9.1
        py37-s3transfer: 0.3.4
        py37-salt: 3002.2_1
        py37-setuptools: 44.0.0
        py37-setuptools_scm: 4.1.2_1
        py37-six: 1.15.0
        py37-snowballstemmer: 1.2.1
        py37-sortedcontainers: 2.3.0
        py37-sphinx: 3.4.3,1
        py37-sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.4.3
        py37-sphinxcontrib-applehelp: 1.0.2
        py37-sphinxcontrib-devhelp: 1.0.2
        py37-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: 1.0.3
        py37-sphinxcontrib-jsmath: 1.0.1
        py37-sphinxcontrib-qthelp: 1.0.3
        py37-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: 1.1.4
        py37-sphinxcontrib-websupport: 1.2.4
        py37-sqlite3: 3.7.9_7
        py37-toml: 0.10.2
        py37-tornado4: 4.5.3
        py37-tqdm: 4.56.0
        py37-urllib3: 1.25.11,1
        py37-webencodings: 0.5.1
        py37-wheel: 0.30.0_1
        py37-yaml: 5.3.1_1
        py37-zope.component: 4.2.2
        py37-zope.event: 4.1.0
        py37-zope.interface: 4.6.0
        python36: 3.6.12_2
        python37: 3.7.9_1
        rainloop-community-php73: 1.15.0
        rarian: 0.8.1_6
        rkhunter: 1.4.6
        roundcube-php73: 1.4.11,1
        rrdtool: 1.7.2_4
        rsync: 3.2.3
        ruby: 2.6.6_2,1
        ruby26-gems: 3.0.8
        rubygem-asciidoctor: 2.0.10
        scons-py37: 3.1.2
        serf: 1.3.9_6
        spamassassin: 3.4.4
        subversion: 1.14.1
        talloc: 2.3.1
        tarsnap: 1.0.39
        tarsnap-periodic: 1.0.20170413
        tdb: 1.4.3,1
        tesseract: 4.1.1_3
        tevent: 0.10.2_1
        tex-basic-engines: 20150521
        tex-dvipsk: 5.995_2
        tex-formats: 20150521_2
        tex-web2c: 20150521_3
        texlive-base: 20150521_62
        texlive-texmf: 20150523_4
        trousers: 0.3.14_3
        unbound: 1.13.1
        unrar: 6.00,6
        webmin: 1.970
        wget: 1.21
        wordpress: 5.5.3,1
        xcb-proto: 1.14.1
        xml2rfc: 3.3.0
        xmlto: 0.0.28
        znc: 1.8.2_1

Number of packages to be removed: 229

The operation will free 5 GiB.
Some ports have specific settings for it. Which ports in particular are you having problems with?
You should check /usr/ports/Mk/ more carefully. If you remove the preference setting, then this will happen:

#       If no preference was set, check for an installed base version
#       but give an installed port preference over it.
Ergo I'm somewhat convinced that what you're experiencing is simply by design. So I'd try changing the value to base instead of removing it, then see what happens next.
Good point. I always forget that. pkg delete -f openssl (this should only delete openssl, not everything depending on it), then rebuild everything.
You should check /usr/ports/Mk/ more carefully. If you remove the preference setting, then this will happen:

#       If no preference was set, check for an installed base version
#       but give an installed port preference over it.
Ergo I'm somewhat convinced that what you're experiencing is simply by design. So I'd try changing the value to base instead of removing it, then see what happens next.
Thank you

Good point. I always forget that. pkg delete -f openssl (this should only delete openssl, not everything depending on it), then rebuild everything.
Wow very grateful thanks guys!
Now I'm a bit more comfortable moving on this!
Would the following in /etc/make.conf be the right way to go?
Ok so I needed to use a ginea pig like mariadb103-client to sus out the dependencies
running #make reinstall -C /usr/ports/databases/mariadb103-client
returned errors such as

EXAMPLE Shared object "" not found, required by ""

Then I would run
#pkg which /usr/local/lib/
#make reinstall -C /usr/ports/ftp/curl

and then run again to see what's next....
#make reinstall -C /usr/ports/databases/mariadb103-client
I have to say I prefer rebuilding breaking due to missing prereqs and hunting them critters down, instead of it automatically re-installing security/openssl again.