Remote Sound Server

I'm not sure what it's called, but lets use "Remote Sound Server" for now. I have the following problem:

  • FreeBSD virtual machine running in a remote hypervisor.
  • The machine is running a desktop environment
  • I access the desktop environment using VNC from a Windows machine
  • I would like to have the sound that plays in the remote VM play on my Windows machine
  • Same with the microphone, but in reverse (audio captured from mic is sent to remote VM)

Is such a thing possible?

Generally what you want there is possible with the jack demon, which has netjack. Dunno whether there is a FreeBSD port for netjack.

Also have no idea whether any of that runs on Windows.
I would try pulseaudio first, it can do networking and there seems to be a windows port. I think sndiod does not run on windows.

As for jack, there are two network protocols available, but I have no experience with them and it's harder to get all desktop sound in there. There's also audio/jamulus for networking which runs on top of jack, it can use ASIO on Windows.