PF Remote desktop from VPN


I have looked quite a lot into how to do what I want to do, but can seem to manage it... Sorry for my noobiness in advance...

I have a FreeBSD 14.0-Release-p6. It has 3 interfaces :
- tun0 for a VPN, IP 10.X.X.44
- igb0 for a LAN, IP 192.168.X.136 which gives me internet

I have a PC in the 192.168.X.197 running windows, port 3389 open.

I have another PC_remote on the same LAN as the VPN, IP 10.X.X.2

The gateway is another device, but I don't think it's impacting this question (maybe I'm wrong :D)

I would like to be able to access PC_remote in RDP through the FreeBSD.

I thought initially that a simple port forward would be enough, with this pf.conf initially

v4egress_if = "ix0"
v6egress_if = "ix0"

nat on $v4egress_if inet from <cni-nat> to any -> ($v4egress_if)
nat on $v6egress_if inet6 from <cni-nat> to !ff00::/8 -> ($v6egress_if)

rdr-anchor "cni-rdr/*"
nat-anchor "cni-rdr/*"

rdr on tun0 proto tcp from any to tun0 port 3389 -> 192.168.X.197 port 3389

pass from any to any keep state

table <cni-nat>

First I don't really understand the lines other that "rdr" and "pass" as it was there by default. if someone could explain I'd really like that, but it's a detail

With this, I realized with a tcdump on the igb0 port that some frames were going from 10.X.X.2 to 192.168.X.136, but I'm guessing that PC_remote doesn't know where 10.X.X.2 is...

So I'm thinking maybe I should be doing a NAT : I tried going for this :

v4egress_if = "ix0"
v6egress_if = "ix0"

nat on $v4egress_if inet from <cni-nat> to any -> ($v4egress_if)
nat on $v6egress_if inet6 from <cni-nat> to !ff00::/8 -> ($v6egress_if)

nat on tun0 from tun0 to any -> 192.168.X.136

rdr-anchor "cni-rdr/*"
nat-anchor "cni-rdr/*"

pass from any to any keep state

table <cni-nat>

and combinations of both, but with this I didn't even see the outgoing frames to the PC_Remote...

Any Idea how I could do what I want ?

Thanks in advance, don't hesitate to ask me anything that's not clear :)
you will need the remote end of the vpn to proxy arp your vpn ip
otherwise the remote pc wont be able to reply to you (he sees a same subnet ip and tries to arp resove it / unless you add a/32 route to your vpn ip but it complicates it more)
That's it ! I don't know how to proxy arp, but adding a route to tell my PC to go on 192.168.X.136 to find 10.X.X.0/24 worked

I'll continue searching the proxy arp solution, I think I understand what's the goal of this :)