recover system don't boot help

Hi, someone can say me if I can recover
I deleted by a mistake with winscp.

Now when I try to boot system I get this error.

I can install the system in 5 minutes but I have data and I need to recover it.

If someone have some idea, please, answer here.
My idea was to boot with a Live CD image to mount the hard disk then copy /lib from cdrom to /lib in hard disk. I think is the best idea but I don't know how..

but i don't know how..
Why not? You basically already explained all the necessary steps :)

There are multiple ways to solve this, but let's go with your idea. Once booted into the live cd system, mount your root partition with mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt, copy the missing library with cp /lib/ /mnt/lib, then umount /mnt, and reboot.
Why not? You basically already explained all the necessary steps :)

There are multiple ways to solve this, but let's go with your idea. Once booted into the live cd system, mount your root partition with mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt, copy the missing library with cp /lib/ /mnt/lib, then umount /mnt, and reboot.
Thanks very much for you reply.

It works like you said.
Can you say me command for copy full /lib directory ? I want to be sure i recopy all libs

Thanks I solved. tobik