UFS Recommended size of GEOM gjournal partition?

I have 72 GB of RAM on my server and want to create a partition to use as a journal provider for GEOM gjournal for a 1.4T UFS2 file system mounted at /usr.

Source code for gjournal says, "1 GB is reasonable default", and recommends twice the system RAM. I have seen another article recommending 3.3 x system RAM. Using 144G to 240G for journal provider sounds excessive to me.

I am soliciting sane recommendations for this small office server which is intended to run perhaps a half dozen virtual machines on behyve and maybe a couple a couple of jails. Will be used as a file server ( including many graphic images), database server, application server, and wiki server for a dozen employees.

Also, if someone can explain how gjournal rotates journal files ie based on time? based on volume of data? I would appreciate this to better understand how it works.
I think gjournal is an "older technology".
So unless there is a specific reason to use it I should not use it.
"newfs -j" is sufficient for most applications.