Hrrm, indicates that it's fixed, but basically, it seems to be a mess. So, I remove cups-client which wants to take out libreoffice, firefox, thunderbird and so on. Ok, I can deal with it, it's Sunday morning, and I can, for example, leave firefox running before reinstalling., they'll rebuild. So do that, reinstall cups, which no longer works. Because it needs cups-filters. (There's a thread on that somewhere, where the same problem had occurred, that it needed cups-filters, but the forums are unbearably slow right now for me--I did find though, while googling the issue, that I had been one of the ones thanking the solution poster.)
Ok, so now I run x2goclient. But, it's been removed too, overlooked that one. Reinstall it with pkg and guess what--it pulls back in cups-client.
Sorry mods, too many packages mentioned to label all of them, and honestly, I don't think labels will add ANY clarity to this.
Most of the big ones, firefox, libreoffice and such, can be reinstalled with pkg, but should never have had to be removed by removing cups-client in the first place. This, and again, I realize it's 3rd party stuff, but it is the sort of bloated dependencies that one expects to find in a Linux created for the Windows escapee. Although Fedora, for example, makes it much easier to do something like rpm --nodep
This is just a vent, not a request for help, and I wouldn't even know where to start filing a problem report. The maintainer of libreoffice? Firefox? Thunderbird? In my less than humble opinion, no doubt exacerbated by daylight savings, it's poorly thought out, and that is being charitable.
(Goes to drink another Diet Mountain Dew to try to become conscious though consciousness is overrated.)
In hindsight, I could have used pkg delete -f
but what annoys me (and again, I'm sure part of this is my grouchiness this morning) is that reinstalling x2goclient brought cups-client right back. Where is this consolidation, I ask you, WHERE?! (Ok, now maybe too much caffeine.)