reboot command and physical power plug

I need to restart system for some changes. Now when I give the reboot command the hardware will not come online. When I fisical physically unplug end replug the power it does.

I would really like to do this with a command because the system is not on my location.

sobody Does anybody have an idea ?
Use shutdown -r now, not reboot. The latter will not shutdown services, it kills them.

What error is shown?
I can not find an error. It's about an 3G card (Sierra) when I make sim changes then I need to "reboot" but it's only coming back online when I physically unplug and replug the power. I already tried the shutdown -r command but also not working.
Have you tried with usbconfig(8), there are reset and power_off commands for devices.


# set -- `usbconfig | grep 'HP un2420 Mobile'` && usbconfig -d $1 command
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