Solved readline 8.2.10

FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p8

devel/readline was installed a few days ago with no errors. However I'm now being informed that ...

readline-8.2.10                    >   succeeds index (index has 8.2.:[.1]})

and to me that index looks corrupted. This isn't a major issue but any ideas what's gone wrong here?
Don't have the answers but make fetchindex seems to make it happier.
root@r430:/usr/ports/devel/ # pkg version -vIL=
readline-8.2.10                    >   succeeds index (index has 8.2.:[.1]})
root@r430:/usr/ports/devel/ # cd /usr/ports/
root@r430:/usr/ports # make fetchindex
/usr/bin/env  fetch -am -o /usr/ports/INDEX-13.xz
/usr/ports/INDEX-13.xz                                1793 kB  976 kBps    01s
root@r430:/usr/ports # pkg version -vIL=
root@r430:/usr/ports #

EDIT: but after portsnap fetch update, back to the same "succeeds index" message that I (briefly!) got rid of.


Is actually in the INDEX-13 file, after make fetchindex it changes to


Running make index gives the same result in INDEX-13

Well after 4 months devel/readline has just updated to 8.2.13 but I still have the same 'succeeds index' issue. Reading the following topic ...

suggests this was due to an older version of make in FreeBSD 12.4-STABLE causing it but that wasn't the case for me as I experienced this with FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p8 when devel/readline updated to 8.2.10.

I'm now on FreeBSD 13.3-RELEASE-p3 and have tried forcing removal of devel/readline via ports to prevent it removing dependencies and re-installing it but the same issue persisits.
suggests this was due to an older version of make in FreeBSD 12.4-STABLE causing it but that wasn't the case for me as I experienced this with FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p8
So, you build your INDEX locally yourself with make index? Cause otherwise, your local make isn't relevant and the question would be how exactly you obtained your INDEX in the first place.
There are 3 cron jobs that run nightly, /usr/sbin/portsnap cron, /usr/sbin/portsnap update > nul and /usr/sbin/pkg version -v -L '='
in that order.

If anything needs updating I run portupgrade -arR.
Get rid of portsnap. I guess the INDEX distributed by portsnap is still built on some ancient machine. It's deprecated in 13 and removed from 14 (although available as a port).

If you really think you need INDEX, either get it with make fetchindex or build it yourself locally (which is the only way to have it fully correct as soon as you do change port options btw).
The portsnap INDEX file and the fetchindex INDEX file are different.
Yes they are. portsnap needs its own service-side infrastructure (to prepare the diffs for the portsnap utility to download) and I assume this also creates and diffs an INDEX and it's done on some ancient system. And given portsnap was already removed from base, I see why nobody bothers investing work on its infrastructure any more.

The INDEX fetched by make fetchindex on the other hand is correct for a ports tree with all default options. But again, as soon as you change options (which affect dependencies), the only way to get a fully correct INDEX is building yourself with make index.

I personally don't bother with INDEX at all and just regularly update my ports tree to run poudriere-bulk(8) on it.