Solved Rainbow on boot after restart Raspberry Pi 4

I have been using **FreeBSD-13** (i think) on the Raspberry Pi 4 since more than one year, but yesterday I restarted the raspberry (shutdown -r now) and I have the Rainbow on the monitor but I can't boot the system. I did nothing special, I didn't updated/upgraded the system or any important change.

I tried the solution of comment #11 on but it doesn't solved the problem.
I tried another MicroSD card with Raspbian, in order to test the Raspberry, and it boots normally.
Could somebody help me, please?
"tried another MicroSD card with Raspbian" - so you're booting FreeBSD off another SD card?

These things can just die on you, so the first thing I'd try is a fresh install of FreeBSD on a new quality card, or if you can afford it, on a cheap SSD like the Kingston A400. I use the latter and it's been v reliable, and a lot quicker than an SD card.


I connected a cable on the pins (black + white + green) to a USB and from a Debian GNU/Linux I did:

$ doas screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

And I realized there was some strange characters on the boot... so finally it worked the solution of eternal_noob (post
It booted, but it stopped on the "check filesystem"... It cost about 3 minutes and then, I had the prompt!!!

Captura de pantalla de 2024-07-08 12-12-55.png
Everything is working fine.. SSH, DHCP, Nginx, MariaDB... cool.
Thanks all for your comments.
