Quick Books

I have a long time (actually since Veit Nam) friend who ask me if FreeBSD (ports) has a port that he could download and replace Quick Books for his mom and pop rural hardware store? I introduced him to FreeBSD 4.9, but he runs the store himself with a couple of employees and wants to replace Quick Books and use BSD again for Point of Sale and inventory purpose.

Thanks for any ideas to help my friend.
Because of the nature of POS I really don't think you will find much of a free solution.
PCI compliance for card proccessing is a bear to keep up with. They are extornists.

QuickBooks was OK until around Y2K. They had tax charts updated by CDROM.
After Y2K they started requiring you to be online. Forced program updates along with tax charts.

No rational accountant wants that. I worked IT for several restaurant groups and accounting was airgapped.
No network access. Was not long after that I went back to machining. Quickbooks became undesirable to me.
No rational accountant wants that. I worked IT for several restaurant groups and accounting was airgapped.
No network access. Was not long after that I went back to machining. Quickbooks became undesirable to me.

We used Quickbooks for our businesses because our well-respected accountant wanted all the numbers brought to him in that format. Payroll was made easy using it and I couldn't get anything remotely like that using the free stuff.

Now, I didn't try the free stuff once our accountant required Quickbooks formatting. I only remember there were hoops to jump through to get the free software to do the same thing. Especially updating tax charts.
PCI compliance for card processing is a bear to keep up with. They are extornists.
I should probably qualify this.
They charge higher percentage processing fees if you are out of compliance.
They do not like open source one bit. They have a list of approved software and versions and that is it.

So what you should do is use POS software for front end and dump backend into free tools.

Infact that is how Quickbooks acted years ago. It simply collected batched nightlies from the PosiTouch server.
So card handling is separated from backend.

Now a days Quickbooks has POS too. Dell gear plus stalk and cashdrawer. Complete package.
Garbage software....
Thanks to all BSD'ers. My friend was very open to he Odoo port/app and is going to upgrade his BSD computer at home and start assessing it for his needs. Again, A BIG THANKS TO ALL!!