Solved Questions about how poudriere works

Hey guys, good afternoon.

So I decided to build the base system and all ports from source with cpu native optimizations. To build my /etc/make.conf I used this thread and this wiki page. This is it:
{beastie}  FreeBaSeD-T430 > /home/beastie
 → cat /etc/make.conf  
MACHINE_CPU+= avx sse42 sse41 ssse3 sse3

The world and kernel, build and install went smooth and easy. I just have one comment about the chapter 25.6.1 on the Handbook. The Update and Build table it is different from the process described on the next topics (until This can be a bit confusing for now users.

Now about poudriere. I followed the chapter 4.6 of the Handbook. And it says:
The basic configuration shown here puts a single jail-, port-, and set-specific make.conf in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d. The filename in this example is created by combining the jail name, port name, and set name: 13amd64-local-workstation-make.conf. The system make.conf and this new file are combined at build time to create the make.conf used by the build jail.

Nice, so I went and told poudriere to rebuild all my installed packages, without a /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf. Now on the half of the build (almost 700 done of 1383) I found a comment on this forum saying that poudriere ignores the host /etc/make.conf.
/usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf, poudriere(8) doesn't use the system's /etc/make.conf. Format and function is the same though.
So, my question is; Did I missed almost a day rebuilding my ports for nothing and need to redo it? Or poudriere indeed uses the host /etc/make.conf and I just need to wait?

Here is my /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf:
{beastie}  FreeBaSeD-T430 > /home/beastie
 → cat /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf                

# Poudriere can optionally use ZFS for its ports/jail storage. For
# ZFS define ZPOOL, otherwise set NO_ZFS=yes
#### ZFS
# The pool where poudriere will create all the filesystems it needs
# poudriere will use ${ZPOOL}/${ZROOTFS} as its root
# You need at least 7GB of free space in this pool to have a working
# poudriere.

### NO ZFS
# To not use ZFS, define NO_ZFS=yes

# root of the poudriere zfs filesystem, by default /poudriere

# the host where to download sets for the jails setup
# You can specify here a host or an IP
# replace _PROTO_ by http or ftp
# replace _CHANGE_THIS_ by the hostname of the mirrors where you want to fetch
# by default:
# Also note that every protocols supported by fetch(1) are supported here, even
# file:///
# Suggested:

# By default the jails have no /etc/resolv.conf, you will need to set
# RESOLV_CONF to a file on your hosts system that will be copied has
# /etc/resolv.conf for the jail, except if you don't need it (using an http
# proxy for example)

# The directory where poudriere will store jails and ports

# The directory where the jail will store the packages and logs
# by default a zfs filesystem will be created and set to
# ${BASEFS}/data

# Use portlint to check ports sanity

# When building packages, a memory device can be used to speedup the build.
# Only one of MFSSIZE or USE_TMPFS is supported. TMPFS is generally faster
# and will expand to the needed amount of RAM. MFS is a slower since it
# uses UFS and several abstraction layers.

# If set WRKDIRPREFIX will be mdmfs of the given size (mM or gG)

# Use tmpfs(5)
# This can be a space-separated list of options:
# wrkdir    - Use tmpfs(5) for port building WRKDIRPREFIX
# data      - Use tmpfs(5) for poudriere cache/temp build data
# localbase - Use tmpfs(5) for LOCALBASE (installing ports for packaging/testing)
# all       - Run the entire build in memory, including builder jails.
# yes       - Enables tmpfs(5) for wrkdir and data
# no        - Disable use of tmpfs(5)
# EXAMPLE: USE_TMPFS="wrkdir data"

# How much memory to limit tmpfs size to for *each builder* in GiB
# (default: none)

# How much memory to limit jail processes to for *each builder*
# in GiB (default: none)

# How many file descriptors to limit each jail process to (default: 1024)
# This can also be set per PKGBASE, such as MAX_FILES_RStudio=2048.
# Package names with hyphens (-) should be replaced with underscores (_).

# If set the given directory will be used for the distfiles
# This allows to share the distfiles between jails and ports tree
# If this is "no", poudriere must be supplied a ports tree that already has
# the required distfiles.

# If set the ports tree marked to use git will use the defined
# mirror (default:
# Example to use github mirror:

# If set the source tree marked to use git will use the defined
# mirror (default:
# Example to use github mirror:

# If set the ports tree or source tree marked to use svn will use the defined
# mirror (default:
# The SSL fingerprints are published here:

# Automatic OPTION change detection
# When bulk building packages, compare the options from kept packages to
# the current options to be built. If they differ, the existing package
# will be deleted and the port will be rebuilt.
# Valid options: yes, no, verbose
# verbose will display the old and new options

# Automatic Dependency change detection
# When bulk building packages, compare the dependencies from kept packages to
# the current dependencies for every port. If they differ, the existing package
# will be deleted and the port will be rebuilt. This helps catch changes such
# as DEFAULT_RUBY_VERSION, PERL_VERSION, WITHOUT_X11 that change dependencies
# for many ports.
# Valid options: yes, no
# Default: yes

# Consider bad dependency lines on the wrong PKGNAME as fatal.
# For example:
#    BUILD_DEPENDS=  p5-List-MoreUtils>=0:lang/p5-List-MoreUtils
# If this port's PKGNAME were really "List-MoreUtils" then it would
# not be recorded into the resulting package.  The next build with
# CHECK_CHANGED_DEPS enabled would consider it a "new dependency"
# since it is in the port but not in the package.  This is usually
# a warning but can be made fatal instead by enabling this option.
# Default: no

# Path to the RSA key to sign the PKG repo with. See pkg-repo(8)
# This produces a repo that supports SIGNATURE_TYPE=PUBKEY
# Default: not set

# Command to sign the PKG repo with. See pkg-repo(8)
# This produces a repo that supports SIGNATURE_TYPE=FINGERPRINTS
# Default: not set
#SIGNING_COMMAND=ssh signing-server

# Repo signing command execution context
# If SIGNING_COMMAND is set, run pkg-repo(8) on the host?
#   no  -   Run in the jail
#   yes -   Run on the host
# Default: no

# ccache support. Supply the path to your ccache cache directory.
# It will be mounted into the jail and be shared among all jails.
# It is recommended that extra ccache configuration be done with
# ccache -o rather than from the environment.

# Static ccache support from host.  This uses the existing
# ccache from the host in the build jail.  This is useful for
# using ccache+memcached which cannot easily be bootstrapped
# otherwise.  The path to the PREFIX where ccache was installed
# must be used here, and ccache must have been built statically.
# Note also that ccache+memcached will require network access
# which is normally disabled.  Separately setting RESTRICT_NETWORKING=no
# may be required for non-localhost memcached servers.

# The jails normally only allow network access during the 'make fetch'
# phase.  This is a security restriction to prevent random things
# ran during a build from accessing the network.  Disabling this
# is not advised.  ALLOW_NETWORKING_PACKAGES may be used to allow networking
# for a subset of packages only.

# parallel build support.
# By default poudriere uses hw.ncpu to determine the number of builders.
# You can override this default by changing PARALLEL_JOBS here, or
# by specifying the -J flag to bulk/testport.
# Example to define PARALLEL_JOBS to one single job

# How many jobs should be used for preparing the build? These tend to
# be more IO bound and may be worth tweaking. Default: PARALLEL_JOBS * 1.25

# If set, failed builds will save the WRKDIR to ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/wrkdirs

# Choose the default format for the workdir packing: could be tar,tgz,tbz,txz,tzst
# default is tbz

# Disable Linux support

# By default poudriere sets FORCE_PACKAGE
# To disable it (useful when building public packages):

# By default poudriere sets PACKAGE_BUILDING
# To disable it:

# If you are using a proxy define it here:
# export HTTP_PROXY=bla
# export FTP_PROXY=bla
# Cleanout the restricted packages

# By default MAKE_JOBS is disabled to allow only one process per cpu
# Use the following to allow it anyway

# List of packages that will always be allowed to use MAKE_JOBS
# regardless of ALLOW_MAKE_JOBS. This is useful for allowing ports
# which holdup the rest of the queue to build more quickly.
#ALLOW_MAKE_JOBS_PACKAGES="pkg ccache py*"

# Timestamp every line of build logs
# Default: no

# URL where your POUDRIERE_DATA/logs are hosted
# This will be used for giving URL hints to the HTML output when
# scheduling and starting builds

# This defines the max time (in seconds) that a command may run for a build
# before it is killed for taking too long. Default: 86400

# This defines the time (in seconds) before a command is considered to
# be in a runaway state for having no output on stdout. Default: 7200

# The repository is updated atomically if set yes. This leaves the
# repository untouched until the build completes. This involves using
# hardlinks and symlinks. The operations are fast, but can be intrusive
# for remote syncing or backups.
# Recommended to always keep on.
# Default: yes

# When using ATOMIC_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY, commit the packages if some
# packages fail to build. Ignored ports are considered successful.
# This can be set to 'no' to only commit the packages once no failures
# are encountered.
# Default: yes

# Keep older package repositories. This can be used to rollback a system
# or to bisect issues by changing the repository to one of the older
# versions and reinstalling everything with `pkg upgrade -f`
# ATOMIC_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY is required for this.
# Default: no

# How many old package repositories to keep with KEEP_OLD_PACKAGES
# Default: 5

# Make testing errors fatal.
# If set to 'no', ports with test failure will be marked as failed but still
# packaged to permit testing dependent ports (useful for bulk -t -a)
# Default: yes

# Define the building jail hostname to be used when building the packages
# Some port/packages hardcode the hostname of the host during build time
# This is a necessary setup for reproducible builds.

# Define to get a predictable timestamp on the ports tree
# This is a necessary setup for reproducible builds.

# Define to yes to build and stage as a regular user
# Default: yes, unless CCACHE_DIR is set and CCACHE_DIR_NON_ROOT_SAFE is not
# set.  Note that to use ccache with BUILD_AS_NON_ROOT you will need to
# use a non-shared CCACHE_DIR that is only built by PORTBUILD_USER and chowned
# to that user.  Then set CCACHE_DIR_NON_ROOT_SAFE to yes.

# Define to the username to build as when BUILD_AS_NON_ROOT is yes.
# Default: nobody (uid PORTBUILD_UID)

# Define to the uid to use for PORTBUILD_USER if the user does not
# already exist in the jail.
# Default: 65532

# Define pkgname globs to boost priority for
# Default: none
#PRIORITY_BOOST="pypy openoffice*"

# Define format for buildnames
# Default: %Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss
# ISO8601:

# Define format for build duration times
# Default: %H:%M:%S

# Use colors when in a TTY
# Default: yes

# Only build what is requested. Do not rebuild build deps if nothing requested
# depends on them. This can create an inconsistent repository if you often
# build one-off packages but expect the repository to stay consistent.
# Defaut: yes

# A list of directories to exclude from leftover and filesystem violation
# mtree checks.  Ccache is used here as an example but is already
# excluded by default.  There is no need to add it here unless a
# special configuration is used where it is a problem.
# Default: none
#LOCAL_MTREE_EXCLUDES="/usr/obj /var/tmp/ccache"

# Set to hosted to use the /data directory instead of inline style HTML
# Default: inline

# Set to track remaining ports in the HTML interface.  This can slow down
# processing of the queue slightly, especially for bulk -a builds.
# Default: no

A screenshot just for the taste:

So why the handbook say it does?
Where exactly does it say this?
Edit: Found it.

It doesn't mention /etc/make.conf but I think I see the cause of the confusion. It's the reference to the system make.conf that might be a little confusing. But they're referring to /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf as a system make.conf and a jail-default-basic-make.conf for example. As those two will get combined into one make.conf that is copied to the build jail.

Poudriere definitely does NOT use /etc/make.conf in any way.
Poudiere reads i think "/usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf"
I've put /etc/make.conf a softlink to that file
No need for,
Where exactly does it say this?
Edit: Found it.

It doesn't mention /etc/make.conf but I think I see the cause of the confusion. It's the reference to the system make.conf that might be a little confusing. But they're referring to /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf as a system make.conf and a jail-default-basic-make.conf for example. As those two will get combined into one make.conf that is copied to the build jail.

Poudriere definitely does NOT use /etc/make.conf in any way.
Now I got it, thanks SirDice.

No need for,
Why not?
I lack a descend response , maybe SirDice can give, but my experience has shown that you want make.conf "as short as possible".
Additional flags will give not give any performance boost. More likely create here or there a small problem.
I think i do have CPUTYPE?= ALDERLAKE.
I found that part of the man page to be particularly confusing. Looks like it's been rewritten. I guess it's a little better.
Create optional make.conf
You can also specify a global make.conf which will be used for all the
jails. Any of the following are allowed and will all be used in the or-
der shown:
