Question regarding xterm

It seems more OpenBSD and FreeBSD people prefer the the default xterm (especially now that it offers utf-8 support).

I have always used urxvt in the past; but to be honest, urxvt doesn't seem to render foreign languages very well so I'm considering trying out xterm for this reason and because that's one less package I will need to install.


1. Is there a way I can set up xterm to select and open url links (with keyboard) like how urxvt is able to do with url-select?
I found this: xterm*charClass: 33:48,37-38:48,45-47:48,64:48,58:48,126:48,61:48,63:48,43:48,35:48
but this only allows the user to triple-click to open the url link.
Aside from that, there seems to be a patch that someone came up with from the arch forum: select-needle.
But is there really no default way of accomplishing this in xterm?

2. If i typically have a lot of terminals opened. Would it be more resource efficient to run urxvt instead of xterm? Since urxvt can be run via the urxvtd daemon.
Here is a RAM test someone did:

Anyways, would love to hear what you guys think.