dear victort :The config for each VM is inside its directory (called vmname.conf). Open that and you can see/change the MAC.
yes, it's same. so i can't boot them at same time. the IP will make conflict.Did you compare the two to see if the are the same?
The duplicate MAC address will cause a conflict, there is no IP address involved yet.yes, it's same. so i can't boot them at same time. the IP will make conflict.
. If the address starts with a two, the important bit has been set to '1' meaning it is locally administered.dear th0mas:The duplicate MAC address will cause a conflict, there is no IP address involved yet.
You can check out the Wikipedia page on MAC addresses. It shows the format off the address and in particular, it shows that in the left-most octet, the second bit from the right indicates whether the MAC address is globally unique or has been created locally. Of course the address still needs to be unique within your local network, but you can thus simply assign MAC addresses yourself in the format:2x:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
. If the address starts with a two, the important bit has been set to '1' meaning it is locally administered.
If you need a new MAC address for a VM, just pick any random address (or not so random), just make sure you keep track of the MAC addresses you assign in each VLAN.
from the VM's config. It'll generate a new one when you start the VM.DEar sirdice :If you use sysutils/vm-bhyve, just remove thenetwork0_mac
from the VM's config. It'll generate a new one when you start the VM.